How to create a confusion matrix with TensorBoard and PyTorch
In this article I’ll explain how you can create a confusion matrix with TensorBoard and PyTroch. At the end of this article you will find the link to this code on my GITHub. If you need a confustion matrix without TensorBoard you can jump to the following tutorial here:
Let’s start and load the data:
Loading the FashionMNIST datatset.
The confusion Matrix:
The Conv-Net:
This is a simple architecture of a Conv-Net. Not fancy but it works!
Train the data:
Feed the Conv-Net with the data. Reduce the epochs if you have a slow CPU.
You will get something like this:
Epoch-1 lr: 0.001
Training loss 0.225 Accuracy 0.354 Steps: 999
Training loss 0.163 Accuracy 0.522 Steps: 1999
Training loss 0.137 Accuracy 0.595 Steps: 2999
Training loss 0.122 Accuracy 0.638 Steps: 3999
Training loss 0.111 Accuracy 0.669 Steps: 4999
Training loss 0.103 Accuracy 0.691 Steps: 5999
Training loss 0.0976 Accuracy 0.708 Steps: 6999
Accuracy: 42945/7500 (71.6 %) Loss: 0.0951
In the meantime you can open Tensorboard via CMD:
tensorboard --logdir=runs
or I recommend to use Visual Studio Code with the Python Extension that contains a Tensorboard extension that you can use out of the box:
Click on the image tab and you should finally see:
Congrats you got it!!!
You can donwload the full notebook here: